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『Eriantys Board Game | Fantasy Game | Strategy Game | Fun Family Game for Ad』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-8810e1e95aから出品され、665の入札を集めて04月15日 23時 07分に、9,040円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は9,040円でした。愛媛県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
商品名 | Eriantys Board Game | Fantasy Game | Strategy Game | Fun Family Game for Adults and Kids | Ages 8+ | 2-4 Players | Average Playtime 45 Minutes | Made by Cranio Creations |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | A MAGICAL WORLD OF FLOATING ISLANDS Hidden by the soft cloudy whiteness is a world where floating islands are home to great schools for young magical creatures from five realms. Cute little red dragons, clumsy pink fairies, spiteful yellow gnomes, small blue unicorns, and green frogs who dream of becoming princes show up at the gates of schools, with the hope of being admitted to the great hall and being able to admire the famous professors of their realm.brSTRATEGY BOARD GAME In Eriantys, a game full of strategy, tactics, and twists and turns, you run one of these four great schools and compete with other wizards to increase your fame Take on the role of a headmaster as you recruit promising students and increase your school’s magical influence. Carefully plan your moves and try to control your opponents moves.brCHALLENGING AND COMPETITIVE Recruit potential students by placing them in your dining hall and onto the surrounding islands to guide Mother Nature on the island where you have the most control. In turn, she will reward you and let you build a magic tower there Be careful. The 5 professors define who controls a faction, but they always go where the most students are. Each faction will change their minds frequently and you may lose all your supportbrHIGHLY VARIABLE Eriantys is a light family strategy game in a cute and funny world full of magical creatures and includes 12 different characters that can change the rules to create a lot of variant modes. In the expert mode, you can use the fantastic skills of the special characters to add many possibilities that enrich the fun and beauty of the challenge. With three different game modes including team play, Eriantys always offers different and interesting games.brNUMBER OF PLAYERS AND AVERAGE PLAYTIME This fun family board game is made for 2 to 4 players and is suitable for ages 8 and older. Average playtime is approximately 30 minutes. |
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